
[Richard was never very good at remembering history.]

For a long time, schools in America didn’t teach much about China. That is why some people in the United States are misinformed about this part of the world. For example, some people think that:


  • China was discovered by Marco Polo. That is why to this day you will see many clothing items that are made in China with some sort of polo emblem. He learned a useful technique to always let people know his exact whereabouts by loudly calling out his first name.
  • Confucius was a famous Chinese philosopher who said a lot of smart things. His sayings always started with, “Confucius say, …” Some of them were pretty funny.
  • China invented dishes.

 beautiful chinese scenery  

There is much beauty in Taiwan.

  • China had an amazing road that was made entirely out of silk.
  • China weaponized opium and used it against the hated British in what became known as the opium wars.
  • The most evil emperor of China was the merciless Ming, who was always trying to kill US astronaut, Buck Rogers.

Since I’ve come to Taiwan, I have learned many things about China and Taiwan that surprised me. (Did you know that the Chinese word for ‘crisis’ is not composed of the words for ‘opportunity’ and ‘danger’?) That is one reason why I like being here. It seems that I am always learning something new that is interesting and astonishing.


So, as they say in China, hasta la vista, I’ll see you again sometime. It’s a home run. Trust me, you can do it. Thank you for reading.

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