
Lately there has been a lot of commotion about oil in Taiwan. It is a big scandal. Some company has put oil that was intended for animal feed into food eaten by humans. Many products have been taken off the store shelves.

There have been people arrested for the crime. It makes you wonder what kind of person would do something like that. The motive, of course was money. We all know that. I wonder how they would feel if we put some kind of substandard substance into their money? They wouldn’t like it.


 Safe food is important.


This oil was meant to be used in animal feed. Animals will eat anything. They don’t know any better. They are just happy to get fed. They never ask what is inside the food, but people have to know. Sometimes I’m sure we would have been just as happy to have remained ignorant.

What is the worst thing that could happen? If people have been eating food that was meant for animals. There may be side effects. Taiwan may become the Island of Dr. Moreau.

We should have guessed that something was up when the soup company was giving away free collars. On my store receipt, instead of saying thank you, it says “Good Boy!” My wife bought a new dinnerware set; it includes a trough. At McDonald’s you can buy a regular meal, they can supersize it, or they will slop you.

It is all because we have been getting animal feed. And that’s not really funny. We need to protect the herd.



Richard 是一位台灣女婿,在台灣生活15年,喜愛台灣文化,以風趣幽默的文筆,細膩獨特的觀點,介紹在台灣生活的趣事,一起跟著Richard探訪外國人的台灣世界吧!



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