*Richard is an American who lives in Taipei and drives a car when he has to.
Traffic jams can get on your nerves, and with so many cars on the road every day in Taipei, a few snarls are inevitable. So you have to take it easy. Rush hour traffic is slow on a good day, but if it is raining or if there has been an accident, then traffic can quickly slow to a stop or a crawl. We all have to keep our cool or go crazy wild and mad.
Traffic problems on the highways can be very stressful. They put notices up on the highways with big lighted signs to tell people where the traffic snarls are. On weekends and holidays the roads can be packed. Driving at these times can be infuriating if you do not keep your cool. So just be happy and don’t worry. Everything will work out.
The best thing to do is to realize that things are going to be slow and accept it. It is no use to try to zip in front of other drivers in order to get a few feet further down the road before someone else. It’s better to take a deep breath and listen to the radio and just go with the flow of traffic. You should stay in your lane and not try to crowd into a small space just to try to get going a little faster. Some people drive their cars on the shoulder and then put on their flashers and try to squeeze in ahead of everyone else who has been patiently waiting in line. You can’t let that make you mad. Just because they are being rude and selfish is no reason to lose your temper. Just because they never learned any manners. Those stupid, uncouth cretins! GO BACK HOME AND TAKE SOME DRIVING LESSONS YOU MORON! GET OUT OF THE WAY AND LET SOME REAL PEOPLE GET BY, YOU IDIOT! YES! I AM TALKING TO YOU!
Be calm. Calm down. Everything is fine.
It’s a good thing they have traffic cops directing cars through the major intersections. They are very important. Without them it would be utter chaos. I hope we show these brave men and women the gratefulness and respect that they deserve.
Please everyone drive sanely and safely, or better yet, take a bus. See you next time.