
*Richard drives a car in Taiwan, which takes some courage.


ETC stands for Electronic Toll Collection. It is the relatively new system of collecting fees for using the three north-south highways in Taiwan. After a few years of being optional, it is now mandatory and they have taken down all the toll booths. Now there are scanners placed at intervals on the road to detect cars and charge money to their ETC accounts.

It is supposed to make things better for touring, travel, etc. So far I would say it is doing a good job. If you travel across the island, one source of traffic slowdown was always at the toll collection places. Now that the toll booths have been taken down, nobody has to stop anymore. They don’t have to pay people to man the booths either.

etc car tech  

The Tag Will Save Tax Money, Help Stop Traffic Jams, etc.


The traffic flow is better on the highways now. It has been getting slowly better and better over the years with the construction of a second North-South freeway, traffic lights to control the traffic from the on-ramps, additional lanes, a high speed rail system, etc. The ETC is one more step in the right direction.

All you need to do is get the tag installed on your car and set up an ETC account. You have to keep money in the account to be used to pay your highway fees according to how far you travel on the toll roads.

Let’s go riding in the car!



Richard 是一位台灣女婿,在台灣生活15年,喜愛台灣文化,以風趣幽默的文筆,細膩獨特的觀點,介紹在台灣生活的趣事,一起跟著Richard探訪外國人的台灣世界吧!

    創作者 上班族必備軟實力 的頭像


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