[In order to form a more perfect union...]
“Our constitution works; our great republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule.” That is what one U.S. president said as he was pardoning a previous U.S. president so that he would not face the consequences of his illegal actions. It seemed a little bit contradictory at the time.
To characterize America by a single word, you would have to use a word like “Spangled”.
There are the stereotypes about Americans. They are fat. They like to eat junk food and watch TV. They don’t exercise. They like guns. They like butter. They like sweet things. They ride around the grocery store in electronic carts. These may be accurate, but we must also be careful, because Americans are easily offended.
As Americans, we are free. We say that a lot, which means that we are free to say that, and that is something, which is better than nothing. “Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose”, as the singer said.
We are who we are. We are spoiled. We are given too much. We don’t have any boundaries, and if we did have boundaries, we would build a wall around them. Thank you for reading.