
[Trick or treat.]

Halloween is a holiday with very old traditions. In the old days, kids would carry bags and walk around their neighborhoods dressed like monsters and ghosts. They would knock on doors and when the door opened, they would yell, “Trick or treat!” and the person inside would put some candy in the bags. “Trick or treat” didn’t mean anything, it was just what you were supposed to say. Kids would never play tricks on people.


The Shelves are Stocked

For various reasons, most people don’t “trick or treat” like that anymore. They go to parties and have other group activities. It is safer.

Orange is the color of choice and pumpkin is the official gourd. When the pumpkins ripen and the trees are bare of leaves, the night takes on an extra spooky veneer. If you take a pumpkin, scoop out the insides, and carve eyes and a mouth on the sides, you will have the scariest thing around. It is called a jack-o-lantern.

So, at the end of October, turn the lights down low, wear a mask, and put on a scary movie. It will be eerie. Thank you for reading.

    萬聖節 halloween
    創作者 上班族必備軟實力 的頭像


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