[Richard is a product of the United States system of public educartion.]
The American educational system is the model for the world. It has done wonders for mankind, and I’m not just saying that because I actually know anything. That’s just what they tell me.
Most public schools in America use the 6-3-3 system. That is six years in elementary school, three years in junior high school, and three years in high school. If you add the three numbers together you will get the number of years it will take until you finish the compulsory years of school. I think it is seven, or ten. In any event, it is many years to go to school. It is more than most people need.
Education is not something to be memorized.
U.S. public schools don’t require students to wear uniforms. They also don’t require as much homework as in Taiwan. Compared to Taiwan, U.S. students have it easy. American kids don’t have mountains of homework. They don’t go to cram schools.
There is a big struggle in the teaching of values and morality. There are those who say that this is not a resposibility of the government. It is for the home and the church to teach. They certainly don’t want any education on the subject of sex.
It’s a wonder that anyone ever learns anything. Thank you for reading.