
*Richard, from Oklahoma, has lived in Taiwan for more than 15 years.*

Talking about bathrooms can be a delicate subject. It can be like talking about the elephant in the room, and why it smells so bad. It is touchy.

They are special places and have soothing sounds. Everything is quiet except for the water dripping from the faucets. You can hear reverberations off the walls that saturate the spartan arena in dry, whispering drips and splashes.

There are tiles. The tiles are cool and smooth, but never slippery. The tiles are usually a solid tan or off-white and show off the fact that dedicated people have been coming in every day to keep the place clean. It is antiseptic.

 toilet icon  

This is a scary sign for some of us.

If there is anything so dissimilar in the East the and West, it is this. In the West, we like a little privacy, this is a time that should not be shared with the lady who scrubs up. We don’t leave the door open at all times. We don’t have drains on the floor.

If you are a Western person in an Eastern style bathroom you may have some questions. You may want to ask for a more accomodating comode. How can I read a newspaper and keep my balance at the same time?

It’s just another thing that makes life in Taiwan such a wonderful adventure. Thank you for reading.



Richard 是一位台灣女婿,在台灣生活15年,喜愛台灣文化,以風趣幽默的文筆,細膩獨特的觀點,介紹在台灣生活的趣事,一起跟著Richard探訪外國人的台灣世界吧!

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