
*Richard has lived in Taiwan for over 18 years. His battles with these insect pests have reached an uneasy stalemate.


Mosquitoes are the most disgusting of the insects. They are horrible, horrible little things. They take nourishment from you and give you nothing in return except maybe a debilitating disease. They use you and don’t care about you at all. You could die and they wouldn’t care. They would just go on to the next victim.


Mosquitoes are not smarter than most people. In the cold weather they are slow and stupid. At this time they are easy to kill. There are many kinds of products available.

mossy small

 In Taiwan, there are many ways to combat these terrible bugs.

  • There is the bug light that is commonly known as a zapper. Mosquitoes, attracted by light, are killed when they contact an electrified wire mesh.
  • There are electrified tennis rackets. They are not really tennis rackets, but they look like them. You must push a button while you swing it. Don’t touch it. Mosquitoes are zapped if they come into contact with the charged “netting”.
  • There is a coil that burns slowly after being lit and keeps the bugs away with the noxious smoke.
  • There is the wall socket plug-in that slowly vaporizes a reservoir of liquid that keeps the creatures at bay.
  • There is the non-electrified bug light. It draws in the mosquitoes and sucks them down into a chamber with a fan. Once they are stuck in the chamber, they can never get out, so they die eventually.

Mosquitoes are attracted to people for reasons that only they understand. I have heard that they are drawn to CO2 or blood type, but for mysterious reasons, some people are attacked more often than others. When I started taking medication for high cholesterol, they quit biting me so much.


Mosquitoes must have a place in the circle of life. We must protect ourselves. Please stay safe and protect yourselves from mosquito-borne pestilence and disease.



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